Saturday, November 22, 2008
I had to go to the emergency room this morning. I went to get my stitches taken out ,because I fell down & busted my chin open last week (Monday around 4 pm to be precise).The nurse asked me if I was riding cats, but my tragedy wasn't nearly as fun or glamourous as that. I slipped on my hat & fell on the stupid step going to the bathroom. Mum heard a bump & came running to get me. She didn't even know I was wounded until Pops told her I was bleeding. Poor mum. She freaked out. I thought for a second I might have to comfort her, but I was busy crying myself. It hurt to have a giant chunk of chin exposed. By the time we got to the hospital I'd stopped bleeding & crying. Mum & Pops & Uncle Casey checked me in. I got my own wrist bracelet & I even got to wear a hospital gown. I had a lady doctor & she was very nice to me. She sang me funny songs while she sewed me up. I wasn't happy about the whole process though. I cried so hard that my entire head of hair was sweaty. The nurse said I did better than most kids my age. Getting my stitches out was a breeze compared to the sewing up part. They even gave me a red popsicle afterwards.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Come to Paradise with me.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
You drive me batty, baby!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
You spin me right round, baby........
Monday, November 10, 2008
A Barrel of Laughs

Mama & Papa took me to the Brown County Library last week. I had fun running up & down the aisles like a mad man. While Pops was chasing me Mum picked out a couple cool books including an audio book called A Barrel of Laughs, A Vale of Tears. We just started listening to it this morning on the way to Aunt Lori's house. I like audio books, because I feel like they expand my vocabulary. I especially like the main character in this story, because he has the same name as my Paw Paw, plus he laughs all the time like me. Here's a brief description of the book.
A Barrel of Laughs, A Vale of Tears follows the young prince Roger, who haphazardly sets out on a quest to prepare himself to become king. The book expresses the emotions of various individuals through two long-lost lovers reunited, several unlikely couples marrying, and a friend-turned-evil's attempts for revenge. While Roger himself starts out as pure and innocent, he seems somewhat naive and incapable of feeling serious.
The quest, which contains plenty of sad events, gradually brings Roger to a point where he still is humorous, but is caring about specific individuals as opposed to finding shallow humor in everything. The beautiful Princess Petulia, and her servant, likewise, find similar changes in personality through their experiences, as they go from being bitterly indifferent to loving and plainspoken to kinder repectively
The quest, which contains plenty of sad events, gradually brings Roger to a point where he still is humorous, but is caring about specific individuals as opposed to finding shallow humor in everything. The beautiful Princess Petulia, and her servant, likewise, find similar changes in personality through their experiences, as they go from being bitterly indifferent to loving and plainspoken to kinder repectively
Thursday, November 6, 2008
..........down the rabbit hole we go. You guys have probably heard about Alice & her whacky adventures in Wonderland. I bet I can outdo her. Stay tuned to find out.
Excerpt from Alice in Wonderland
"The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well. Either the well was very deep, or she fell very slowly, for she had plenty of time as she went down to look about her and to wonder what was going to happen next. First, she tried to look down and make out what she was coming to, but it was too dark to see anything; then she looked at the sides of the well, and noticed that they were filled with cupboards and book-shelves; here and there she saw maps and pictures hung upon pegs. She took down a jar from one of the shelves as she passed; it was labelled 'ORANGE MARMALADE', but to her great disappointment it was empty: she did not like to drop the jar for fear of killing somebody, so managed to put it into one of the cupboards as she fell past it.
'Well!' thought Alice to herself, 'after such a fall as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling down stairs! How brave they'll all think me at home! Why, I wouldn't say anything about it, even if I fell off the top of the house!' (Which was very likely true.)
Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end! 'I wonder how many miles I've fallen by this time?' she said aloud. 'I must be getting somewhere near the centre of the earth. Let me see: that would be four thousand miles down, I think--' (for, you see, Alice had learnt several things of this sort in her lessons in the schoolroom, and though this was not a VERY good opportunity for showing off her knowledge, as there was no one to listen to her, still it was good practice to say it over) '--yes, that's about the right distance--but then I wonder what Latitude or Longitude I've got to?' (Alice had no idea what Latitude was, or Longitude either, but thought they were nice grand words to say.)
Presently she began again. 'I wonder if I shall fall right through the earth! How funny it'll seem to come out among the people that walk with their heads downward!"
P.S. Last month I fell down a flight of stairs at Pap's house. I think that counts as tumbling down the rabbit hole. I do my own stunts & all (I have a tee shirt that proves it), so it totally wasn't a big deal. I wasn't even scared a bit. A little dizzy maybe but not scared. I think falling through the earth would be fun & I like being upside down, so I'd like seeing "people that walk with their heads downward."
Excerpt from Alice in Wonderland
"The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well. Either the well was very deep, or she fell very slowly, for she had plenty of time as she went down to look about her and to wonder what was going to happen next. First, she tried to look down and make out what she was coming to, but it was too dark to see anything; then she looked at the sides of the well, and noticed that they were filled with cupboards and book-shelves; here and there she saw maps and pictures hung upon pegs. She took down a jar from one of the shelves as she passed; it was labelled 'ORANGE MARMALADE', but to her great disappointment it was empty: she did not like to drop the jar for fear of killing somebody, so managed to put it into one of the cupboards as she fell past it.
'Well!' thought Alice to herself, 'after such a fall as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling down stairs! How brave they'll all think me at home! Why, I wouldn't say anything about it, even if I fell off the top of the house!' (Which was very likely true.)
Down, down, down. Would the fall never come to an end! 'I wonder how many miles I've fallen by this time?' she said aloud. 'I must be getting somewhere near the centre of the earth. Let me see: that would be four thousand miles down, I think--' (for, you see, Alice had learnt several things of this sort in her lessons in the schoolroom, and though this was not a VERY good opportunity for showing off her knowledge, as there was no one to listen to her, still it was good practice to say it over) '--yes, that's about the right distance--but then I wonder what Latitude or Longitude I've got to?' (Alice had no idea what Latitude was, or Longitude either, but thought they were nice grand words to say.)
Presently she began again. 'I wonder if I shall fall right through the earth! How funny it'll seem to come out among the people that walk with their heads downward!"
P.S. Last month I fell down a flight of stairs at Pap's house. I think that counts as tumbling down the rabbit hole. I do my own stunts & all (I have a tee shirt that proves it), so it totally wasn't a big deal. I wasn't even scared a bit. A little dizzy maybe but not scared. I think falling through the earth would be fun & I like being upside down, so I'd like seeing "people that walk with their heads downward."
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